In a country such as Indonesia with a population of approximately 250 million people with the level of the developing economy, making health care quality is not something that cheap stuff, because so many of the costs required to maintain the health of a citizen. For premises that the government issued a policy that every citizen is guaranteed health by removing the health budget 20% the cost of annual expenditure.

Let us suppose that walmart survey we calculate the Indonesian State costs of 800 tryliun 1 year multiplied by 20% for health care costs is about a 160 tryliun only for health care costs, should a cost of registration is no longer supposed to be found in infants who are malnourished or other vitamin deficiencies, but not optimal because the cost is used and the amount of corruption in Indonesia has caused many infant found extreme malnutrition and other diseases such as polio and cataract, where government responsibility that has been chosen by its citizens in a democracy.

People's Health: Amanah Constitution

Health is a fundamental right which is only fitting to be the obligation of governments, both national and local. In the amendment of article 45 Constitution 28H Paragraph (1) stated, "Every person has the right to live prosperous mentally and physically, residing and get a good living environment and healthy and are entitled to health care." Furthermore, in Article 34 paragraph (3) 4th amendment declared "the state is responsible for the provision of health care facilities and public service facilities they deserve".