This is not a “Walk in and pass” test.
CompTIA A+ and months of networking experience are recommended before doing Network+. The exam is based on the foundations established by A+. While there isn't much in the way Exam Topics Free of cross-over when it comes to operating system and hardware configuration, A+ does teach a lot of networking concepts at first. Studying these concepts will not only give you an advantage over the concepts found on the N0-00 exam, but will also help you remember some of the same information (such as network chain diagrams). While not requiring the same information to pass the exam, most networking jobs will still require a solid foundation in the same skills taught by A+. So, before you do the N0, consider taking some time and working on your A+ resume. It will make you a better IT professional regardless of its broad teaching base. From experience, Network+ teaches some very specific tasks related to WAN, DNS, and more. Knowing how to do everything, practicing it as a skill, and remembering all the different ports and specs takes a lot of work. Previous experience helps a lot in making this transition easy. Unless you work in IT. Purchase some networking equipment and set up a lab at your home or office to practice. Also upload some practice tests from a reliable site like ExamTopicsFree.